Georgia Golden Olympics


Levels of Contribution

The Georgia Golden Olympics, (Georgia Golden Games, Inc.) is actively seeking long-range funding and support in order to improve the quality and quantity of events and services, and to increase participation through expanded promotion of the event. There are several levels of contribution with increasing benefits at each level. These contribution levels are as follow:

Corporate Sponsorship $10,000 or more
Platinum $5000 – $9999
Gold $2500 – $4999
Silver $1000 – $2499
Bronze $500 – $999
Torch Club $100 – $499
Friends $25 – $99

Vendors must complete an information form and contribute at the Bronze level or higher.

Benefits offered at each level are detailed in the Sponsorship Brochure.

Become a Sponsor

Georgia Golden Games, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) and is funded by in-kind contributions from the coordinating organizations and by contributions from corporations, community groups and individual friends and supporters interested in improving the health and well being of older adults. Your support is greatly appreciated.

If you'd like to be a sponsor, you can donate online at the following link:

You can also print and fill out the following form:

2024 Sponsors

Want to be a sponsor? Make a donation online!